SuiteNet provides, through its members, extended stay and temporary corporate housing in furnished short-term apartments and corporate suites in Terni, Italy. The following is a list of extended stay and temporary corporate housing providers in Terni:
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Terni is a modern city with new buildings because of the several bomb-attacks to its important industries (steel, weapons, hydroelectric energy) during World War II. However, this city has ancient Roman origins. A beautiful example is the amphitheatre Fausto (Ist Century AD) which contained up to ten thousand people; the church of San Salvatore (XII Century) very simple in its architecture with a conic roof and a circular internal-external apse; the Palazzo Spada, projected in 1500 by Antonio da Sangallo the Younger; the Cathedral, wide and bright with its medieval shapes and the Renaissance wooden choir.
Six kilometres far from the city we can admire the Marmore Falls (165 metres), one of the most important hydraulic work of art built in the III Century by the Romans. Then the Piediluco Lake, surrounded by green hills, where one can practice rowing and fishing. Interesting places are also Avigliano, where there is a fossil forest close to Dunarobba and Carsulae, ancient Roman city of the Ist Century, destroyed by a tremendous earthquake and discovered by recent archaeological studies.
The cities of Acquasparta and Sangemini are important for their thermal, mineral and curative waters.
Among the several events we can remember the Cantamaggio of Terni, with medieval tournaments and historic commemorations, the Corsa all'Anello of Narni, a spectacular horse-riding competition and the National Rowing Championship at the Piediluco Lake.
Call it serviced apartments, furnished accommodations, interim housing, temporary suites, corporate housing, temporary furnished housing, furnished corporate housing, temporary furnished apartments, corporate accommodations, temporary accommodations, furnished corporate apartments, serviced accommodations, temporary housing, furnished short-term housing, temporary serviced apartments, furnished short-term housing, temporary corporate apartments or furnished temporary apartments chances are that SuiteNet members can accommodate you in Terni, Italy.
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