Extended Stay Auckland
- Corporate Housing in Furnished Apartments

Auckland, New Zealand

SuiteNet provides, through its members, extended stay and temporary corporate housing in furnished short-term apartments and corporate suites in Auckland, New Zealand. The following is a list of extended stay and temporary corporate housing providers in Auckland:

We are sorry, but there are no online members providing apartments or suites in Auckland. Please contact SuiteNet directly to get the up-to-date information on corporate housing, relocation and extended stay services in Auckland, New Zealand.

Auckland, New Zealand City Info

In the Maori language, Auckland is known as Tamaki Makau Rau, Tamaki of 100 lovers. It earned this name because it was a place desired by all and conquered by many.

Legend has it that the first human inhabitants of Auckland were the magical, fair-skinned Turehu people. While all Maori iwi (tribes) of the region claim descent from the Turehu, their tribal identities are generally linked to the ancestral waka that sailed to New Zealand from Hawaiiki – the legendary homeland of the Maori in the Pacific Ocean.

A pivotal year for Auckland was 1840. New Zealand’s founding document, the Treaty of Waitangi, was signed by local Maori chiefs at Karaka Bay, Mangere and Awhitu. The same year Captain William Hobson, then the Lieutenant Governor of New Zealand, was invited by Ngati Whatua chiefs to establish the new colony’s capital in Auckland. A sailing regatta was held to celebrate the raising of the union flag (Union Jack), a tradition which is still observed every year on Auckland Anniversary Day. Auckland, named after Hobson’s naval commander Lord Auckland, was capital for 25 years before losing the privilege to Wellington.

In 1842, the ships Jane Gifford and Duchess of Argyle deposited 500 Scottish settlers in their new home. Since then, Auckland’s population has grown steadily and now sits at around 1.3 million, about a third of the national population.

Call it temporary furnished apartments, serviced apartments, furnished accommodations, interim housing, temporary suites, corporate housing, temporary furnished housing, furnished corporate housing, corporate accommodations, temporary accommodations, furnished corporate apartments, serviced accommodations, temporary housing, furnished short-term housing, temporary serviced apartments, furnished short-term housing, temporary corporate apartments or furnished temporary apartments chances are that SuiteNet members can accommodate you in Auckland, New Zealand.

Select other cities in New Zealand where we provide temporary corporate housing and extended stay services:

[Christchurch] [Queenstown] [Wellington]